bcom business management 2nd semester 1st year

b.com 2nd sem business management question paper 2022

  1. _____ Is considered as a negative function of management :
    1. Selection
    2.  Recruitment
    3. Training
    4. Placement
  1. ____Is vested with negative motivation :
    1. Achievement theory
    2.  theory X
    3.  Theory Y
    4.  all of these 
  1. MBO Establishes a ____
    1. Community of interest
    2.  centralised organisation
    3.  rigid organisation structure
    4.  all of the above 
  1. POSDCORB is given by ___
    1. Luther gulick 
    2. Fayol
    3.  Taylor 
    4. Louis Allen
  1. Authority and responsibility are ___  to each other
    1. Supplementary
    2.  complementary
    3.  Contradictory
    4.  none of the above
  1. ___ Is a sub function of direction :
    1. Supervision
    2.  Planning
    3.  Organising
    4.  recruitment
  1. ___ Deals with the right actions of individuals 
    1. Sincerity
    2.  Rules
    3.  Ethics
    4.  all of the above 
  1. The principle of specialisation requires ___  
    1. Division of labour
    2.  centralisation of work
    3.  decentralisation of work
    4.  none of these
  1. Which of the following is not a Fayol’s management principle ?
    1. Order
    2.  Discipline
    3.  equity
    4.  cooperation
  1. Which of the following is not a function of management ?
    1. Planning
    2.  profit earning
    3.  Staffing
    4.  budgeting
  1. A statement of expected results expressed in numerical term for a definite period of time in the future is known as ___ 
    1. Objective
    2.  Strategies
    3.  Procedures
    4.  budgets 
  1.  Time event network is 
    1. PERT
    2. CPM
    3. MIS
    4. Statistical reports 
  1. Policy formation is the function of 
    1. Top level management 
    2. Middle level management
    3.  operational management
    4.  all of the above 
  1. “ESpirit de Corps” refers to 
    1. Sense of achievement
    2.  sense of humour
    3.  sense of union is strength 
    4. Sense of morality 
  1. Henry Fayol was a
    1. Social scientist
    2.  mining engineer
    3.  Accountant
    4.  production engineer 
  1. Which of the following best describes ‘mental revolution’?
    1. It implies change of attitude 
    2. management workers should not play the game of one upmanship 
    3. Both management and workers require each other 
    4. Workers should be paid more wages 
  1. Communication is a
    1.  one-way process
    2.  two-way process
    3.  3-way process
    4.  four-way process 
  1. Control system of an organisation has no influence over the ___ 
    1. Internal environment
    2.  external environment
    3.  Customers
    4.  government 
  1. X And  Y theory was introduced by whom?
    1. Mc Gregor 
    2. Peter drucker 
    3. Henry fayol
    4. Fw Taylor 
  1. The problem is communication channel is known as 
    1. Organisational barriers
    2.  mechanical barriers
    3.  personal barriers
    4.  semantic barriers
  1. Which of the following is a essence of management principle ?
    1. Order
    2.  Discipline
    3.  Equity
    4.  cooperation and coordination 
  1. The purpose of time study is :
    1. To remove wastage of time
    2. To give timely assistance
    3.  to determine fair days work 
    4. Watching time 
  1. MBO Offers the basis for assessing the ___ 
    1. Operations
    2.  Performance
    3.  Equality
    4. none of these 
  1. Effective control depends on 
    1. Organisation structure
    2.  proper direction
    3.  flow of communication
    4.  all of the above 
  1. The extent to which power and authority are retained at the top is known as ___ 
    1. Centralisation
    2.  Decentralization
    3.  Responsibility
    4.  accountability 
  1. ___ Is an example of internal source of recruitment 
    1. Advertisement
    2.  trade unions
    3.  employment exchange
    4.  promotion 
  1. ___ Means issuing orders instruction And commands :
    1. Directing
    2.  unity of command
    3.  Authority
    4.  all of these 
  1. In ___ style of leadership a manager centralizes decision making power in himself :
    1. Autocratic
    2.  Participative
    3.  free rein
    4.  none of the above 
  1. Who coined the term ‘piece rate system’?
    1. Harold koontz
    2.  Taylor
    3.  Louis Allan
    4.  Henry fayol 
  1. Authorities flowing from top to bottom is called 
    1. Formal authority
    2.  informal authority
    3.  Both
    4.  none 
  1. Comparison between actual and standard performance is known as 
    1. Planning
    2.  Organising
    3.  Controlling
    4.  directing 
  1. The principle of unity of command is contrary to taylor’s which principle ?
    1. Development
    2.  unity of direction
    3.  functional foremanship
    4.  none of these 
  1. A rigid plan no scope for discretion 
    1. Schedules
    2.  Rules
    3.  Procedures
    4.  budgets 
  1. The number of subordinates that a manager can manage is called 
    1. Delegation
    2.  span of management
    3.  Development
    4.  none of these 
  1. The leadership Theory that studies leaders behaviour is known as 
    1. Contingency theory
    2.  trait theory
    3.  behavioural theory
    4.  managerial grid 
  1. The act of translating the message into words pictures symbols or signs is known as 
    1. sender
    2.  Receiver
    3.  Encoding
    4.  decoding 

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