If p,q,r and S are distinct single digit positive number

If p,q,r and S are distinct single digit positive numbers ,Then what is the greatest value of (P + q)(r+s)?

  1. 230 
  2. 225
  3.  224
  4.  221

To find the greatest value of (P + q)(r + s), we need to determine the highest possible values for P, Q, R, and S.

Since P, Q, R, and S are distinct single-digit positive numbers, the highest values we can assign are:

P = 9
Q = 6
R = 7
S = 8

Substituting these values into the expression (P + Q)(R + S), we have:

(9 + 6)(7 + 8) = 15 * 15 = 225

Therefore, the greatest value of (P + Q)(R + S) is 225

The correct answer is: 225

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